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Enjoy the appeal of Noh, Japan's classical drama cherished by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, streamed to your device directly from Osaka using Japan's latest technological advances. This time around, we got permission to film on two of Osaka's most representative locations. "Takasago", a play performed by Hideyoshi himself, was filmed in Osaka castle, and in front of the Tower of the Sun we filmed "Shakkyo", a play about the bridge that leads to the Pure Land of Bodhisattva Monju - all shot in crisp 4K high-quality video. In addition, "Lady Aoi", a popular play based on the classical novel "The Tale of Prince Genji", will be broadcast in VR with two 360-degree cameras and lighting designed by Takayuki Fujimoto. Please join us as we enter a new reality, where Noh fuses with the digital wold.
Accompanied by his servant during a trip to Kyoto, Tomonari (waki), the priest of Aso Shrine in Kyushu, makes a stop at Takasago Bay - a famous place in Harima Province. Beautiful pine trees are scattered all around the bay, and the spring breeze carries the sound of a bell in the distance. Suddenly, the priest notices an old man (shité in act one) holding a rake, and an old lady (tsuré in act one) with a cedar broom, sweeping the needles under a pine tree.
Tomonari asks the old couple about the story of the Takasago Pine-tree. The old man and woman tell him that this very tree is the famous Pine-tree of Takasago. This tree and the Pine-tree of distant Sumiyoshi are called “Paired pines” - trees that grew from the same root, and, although separated by sea, they have never ceased being husband and wife. The old couple praise the marital harmony and longevity of pine-trees, noting that nature and all living things aspire to Japanese poetry. In the end, the old man and woman confess to being the spirits of the Paired Pines of Takasago and Sumiyoshi and, after promising Tomonari to meet again in Sumiyoshi, board a small boat and sail out to sea.
Tomonari and his servant set sail at high tide, following the elderly couple. Upon arriving at Sumiyoshi, they are greeted by the great deity Sumiyoshi Myōjin (shité in act two), who performs a dignified dance under the beautiful moonlight in celebration of the Emperor’s peaceful reign, longevity and good fortune.
Accompanied by his servant during a trip to Kyoto, Tomonari (waki), the priest of Aso Shrine in Kyushu, makes a stop at Takasago Bay - a famous place in Harima Province. Beautiful pine trees are scattered all around the bay, and the spring breeze carries the sound of a bell in the distance. Suddenly, the priest notices an old man (shité in act one) holding a rake, and an old lady (tsuré in act one) with a cedar broom, sweeping the needles under a pine tree.
Tomonari asks the old couple about the story of the Takasago Pine-tree. The old man and woman tell him that this very tree is the famous Pine-tree of Takasago. This tree and the Pine-tree of distant Sumiyoshi are called “Paired pines” - trees that grew from the same root, and, although separated by sea, they have never ceased being husband and wife. The old couple praise the marital harmony and longevity of pine-trees, noting that nature and all living things aspire to Japanese poetry. In the end, the old man and woman confess to being the spirits of the Paired Pines of Takasago and Sumiyoshi and, after promising Tomonari to meet again in Sumiyoshi, board a small boat and sail out to sea.
Tomonari and his servant set sail at high tide, following the elderly couple. Upon arriving at Sumiyoshi, they are greeted by the great deity Sumiyoshi Myōjin (shité in act two), who performs a dignified dance under the beautiful moonlight in celebration of the Emperor’s peaceful reign, longevity and good fortune.

Along his journey around the sacred sites of Buddhism, the holy priest Jakushō (waki), arrives at the foot of Mt. Seiryō in China. It truly feels like a pure and unsullied land. There is a long and narrow stone bridge leading deep into the mountain, where, according to the legend, lies the paradise of Bodhisattva Monju. As the holy priest is about to step on the bridge, a mysterious boy (shité in act one) appears and asks him to reconsider. The boy warns him that the valley below is over 3000 meters deep, while the bridge itself is 9 meters long, but just 30 centimeters wide. It is also a natural formation, all covered in moss, which makes it very slippery. It cannot be crossed by a mere human, because the Pure Land of Bodhisattva Monju lies beyond it. The boy tells the priest to wait here in order to witness a miraculous event and disappears without a trace.
Before long, two Shishi beasts (half-dog, half-lion) appear on the stone bridge and, among the blooming peony flowers, perform a valiant dance in celebration of longevity and good fortune.
Along his journey around the sacred sites of Buddhism, the holy priest Jakushō (waki), arrives at the foot of Mt. Seiryō in China. It truly feels like a pure and unsullied land. There is a long and narrow stone bridge leading deep into the mountain, where, according to the legend, lies the paradise of Bodhisattva Monju. As the holy priest is about to step on the bridge, a mysterious boy (shité in act one) appears and asks him to reconsider. The boy warns him that the valley below is over 3000 meters deep, while the bridge itself is 9 meters long, but just 30 centimeters wide. It is also a natural formation, all covered in moss, which makes it very slippery. It cannot be crossed by a mere human, because the Pure Land of Bodhisattva Monju lies beyond it. The boy tells the priest to wait here in order to witness a miraculous event and disappears without a trace.
Before long, two Shishi beasts (half-dog, half-lion) appear on the stone bridge and, among the blooming peony flowers, perform a valiant dance in celebration of longevity and good fortune.

Lady Aoi, the wife of Hikaru Genji and the daughter of the Minister on the Left, has been possessed by an evil spirit and is currently bedridden. After unsuccessfully trying out different treatments, the courtiers finally call the priestess Teruhi (tsuré), who has the ability to summon spirits and reveal their true identity with the sound of her catalpa bow.
The one lured forth by the priestess’ magic turns out to be none other than the vengeful living spirit of Lady Rokujō (shité in act one) - the former mistress of Prince Genji, and the wife of the Crown Prince. Although a noble and well-educated woman, Lady Rokujō is holding a deep grudge since being abandoned by Prince Genji. Furthermore, she was publicly humiliated and had her ox-cart broken by Prince Genji’s wife, Lady Aoi, at the Kamo Festival, where she had secretly gone to catch a glimpse of Genji. Lady Rokujō’s ghost is overcome with rage and jealousy, and upon seeing the bedridden Aoi-no-ue, she hits her bare-handed (a despicable act for an aristocrat), and tries to snatch her soul.
Terrified by Lady Rokujō’s wrath, the courtiers call for the Shugendō hermit and exorcist Yokawa-no-Kohijiri (waki). When Yokawa starts praying, Lady Rokujō's spirit (shité in act two) appears again, now transformed into a demon by her jealousy. The vengeful demon attacks Lady Aoi, but her anger eventually focuses on Yokawa. The battle is fierce, but through the power of prayer, the demon eventually calms down and attains Buddhahood.
Lady Aoi, the wife of Hikaru Genji and the daughter of the Minister on the Left, has been possessed by an evil spirit and is currently bedridden. After unsuccessfully trying out different treatments, the courtiers finally call the priestess Teruhi (tsuré), who has the ability to summon spirits and reveal their true identity with the sound of her catalpa bow.
The one lured forth by the priestess’ magic turns out to be none other than the vengeful living spirit of Lady Rokujō (shité in act one) - the former mistress of Prince Genji, and the wife of the Crown Prince. Although a noble and well-educated woman, Lady Rokujō is holding a deep grudge since being abandoned by Prince Genji. Furthermore, she was publicly humiliated and had her ox-cart broken by Prince Genji’s wife, Lady Aoi, at the Kamo Festival, where she had secretly gone to catch a glimpse of Genji. Lady Rokujō’s ghost is overcome with rage and jealousy, and upon seeing the bedridden Aoi-no-ue, she hits her bare-handed (a despicable act for an aristocrat), and tries to snatch her soul.
Terrified by Lady Rokujō’s wrath, the courtiers call for the Shugendō hermit and exorcist Yokawa-no-Kohijiri (waki). When Yokawa starts praying, Lady Rokujō's spirit (shité in act two) appears again, now transformed into a demon by her jealousy. The vengeful demon attacks Lady Aoi, but her anger eventually focuses on Yokawa. The battle is fierce, but through the power of prayer, the demon eventually calms down and attains Buddhahood.

後見/梅若猶義 河村浩太郎

照明/藤本隆行(Kinsei R&D)

藤本 隆行
Kinsei R&D ディレクター、照明家

■Web site
日本のアートコレクティブ Dumb Typeのメンバーとして舞台作品に関わり、2015年には、自身の活動のために一般社団法人Kinsei R&Dを設立。
また、国内外の舞台関係者とのコラボレーションも活発に行なっていて、近年の作品としては、やなぎみわによる移動舞台車での演劇『日輪の翼』、渋谷慶一郎のアンドロイド・オペラ『Scary Beauty』、Ahn Ae Soon(韓国)のダンス作品『HereThere』、Perfumeのコンサート『Reframe 2019』、Dumb Typeのパフォーマンス『2020』等にも参加、2010年からは大阪の山本能楽堂にて、能の演目にLEDで照明を付ける試みも始めている。

Fujimoto Takayuki (Kinsei R&D Director / Lighting designer)
Fujimoto Takayuki (a.k.a. Kinsei), as a member of the Japanese art collective Dumb Type, was involved in stage productions, and in 2015 he established Kinsei R&D as a general incorporated association for his own activities.
Since 2003, in parallel with Dumb Type activities, he has started to present stage works in his own name and exhibit artworks, mainly using LED lighting and lighting control by digital technology.
His representative stage production is "true/本当のこと", which he created with nine Japanese artists in 2007. This work uses digital devices such as myoelectric sensors. It uses synchronization between performers and other stage elements, especially computer-controlled LED lighting, to create an organic stage with a motif of understanding the human brain and the world.
Besides, he has been actively collaborating with various artists involved in the stage in Japan and overseas. His recent participated works include - Miwa Yanagi's play "Nichirin no Tsubasa" on a mobile stage trailer, Keiichiro Shibuya's android opera "Scary Beauty", Ahn Ae Soon's (Korea) dance work "HereThere", Perfume's concert "Reframe 2019", Dumb Type's performance "2020", etc.
Since 2010, at the Yamamoto Noh Theater in Osaka, he has begun trying to design lighting basic Noh performances with LEDs.
【ようこそ 能楽堂へ#01】能の歴史と魅力について
【ようこそ 能楽堂へ#01】能の歴史と魅力について

【ようこそ 能楽堂へ#02】能衣装について
【ようこそ 能楽堂へ#02】能衣装について

【ようこそ 能楽堂へ#03】能の歴史と魅力について
【ようこそ 能楽堂へ#03】能の歴史と魅力について